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I made this topic separate from the Graph Theory because it contains one or more techniques that are specific to this type of graph
Here are some definitions about tree from CPH handbook:
Some properties/definitions of trees:
A graph is a tree iff it is connected and contains nodes and edges
A graph is a tree iff every pair of nodes has exactly one simple path between them
A graph is a tree iff it is connected and does not contain any cycles
General Tree Terminology:
A leaf of a tree is any node in the tree with degree
If the tree is rooted, the root with a single child is not typically considered a leaf, but depending on the problem, this is not always the case
A star graph has two common definitions. Try to understand what they mean - they typically appear in subtasks.
Definition 1: Only one node has degree greater than
Definition 2: Only one node has degree greater than
A forest is a graph such that each connected component is a tree
Rooted Tree Terminology:
A root of a tree is any node of the tree that is considered to be at the 'top'
A parent of a node is the first node along the path from to the root
The root does not have a parent. This is typically done in code by setting the parent of the root to be .
The ancestors of a node are its parent and parent's ancestors
Typically, a node is considered its own ancestor as well (such as in the subtree definition)
The subtree of a node are the set of nodes that have as an ancestor
A node is typically considered to be in its own subtree
Note: This is easily confused with subgraph
The depth, or level, of a node is its distance from the root
The DFS required to traverse over a tree is simpler - we don't even need a visited array.